Tribal School (Adiwasi Ashram Shala)
Foundation Year : 2005 Affiliation : SSC Board
• The project of Adiwasi Ashram Shala was initiated by MKSSS which is exclusively for tribal girls and boys which focuses on quality education as well as sustainable development of tribal community.
• A remarkable growth is observed in the number of admissions in this tribal school. Number of students increased from 145 to 400 as per rules and regulations of Maharashtra Government with full capacity.
• School provides education up to 10th standard.
• All teachers conduct a survey of peripheral tribal areas by visiting home to home to seek the eligible students for proposed admissions. Parents are well counselled and encouraged for the education of their children.
• Tribal school provides free education and hostel facility to all the students. Though, Government gives a financial aid, but it is very nominal and mainly for food expenses.
• Instead of this, MKSSS needs resource management as well as sizable funds for the educational and other expenses of the students.